Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012


Seinget saya, baru kali ini berani ngepost jam segini.
Umumnya kan, kalo posting pagi-pagi itu karena dapet inspirasi yang bagus, trus dishare ke orang-orang.
Tapi kalo saya nggak, kan saya nggak umum (ˇ_ˇ")

Saya sekedar mau cerita.
Kalo ntar yang baca malah jadi tambah bingung, jangan salahin saya.
Saya sendiri juga sekarang agak bingung mau cerita darimana.

setiap orang pasti pernah ketemu satu orang yang beda dari orang lain, di matanya.
Kalo versi saya, pokoknya pas ngeliat itu, semacam ngeliat suatu pesan tersembunyi yang ada di orang itu.

Entah sayanya yang aneh ato gimana (ya itu bener sih), saya bisa ngeliat hal-hal semacam itu.
Makanya saya hobi banget ngeliat muka orang, huehe.

Kadang suka bener, tapi nggak sering juga salah.
Kalo kata Adam Young, cause everything is never as it seems...

Orang yang saya liat baik, baiiik banget di depan saya,
saya nggak pernah tau gimana dia di belakang saya.
Kalo nggak ada temen yang bener2 care sama saya ngasih tau.
Karena mata saya ada di depan, bukan di belakang.
Makanya saya males banget kalo suruh inget2 masa lalu *uhuk*.

Pas tau kelakuannya dari temen yang ngasih tau itu, awalnya sih yaa saya gapapa.
Baik-baik aja.
Tapi 'baik-baik aja' tuh ya cuma pretending  doang sebenernya,
selama saya masih bisa nglakuin itu tadi.
Padahal sebenernya... ya gapapa juga sih.

Tapi gara-gara pretending itu tadi,
kan itu boong.
Mindset saya, kalo mau memulai aja pake bohong dari awal, selanjutnya pasti nggak enak keadaannya.
Dan itu bener.
Tau tau... 
Analoginya, kalo jari saya kena sayat apa gitu, ga kerasa pas kesayatnya.
Tau tau ntar kalo kena air, jadi perih.
Dan saat itu baru sadar kalo kesayat. Entah kapan kejadiannya gatau.
Itu baru jari.

Oh iya, tadi di depan saya bilang kalo saya suka ngeliatin muka orang.
Mukanya doang ya, tolong digarisbawahi.

Sebagian orang yang saya datengin abis saya selese ngeliatin mukanya, trus saya tanyain kamu lagi gini ato gitu, mereka bilangnya bener, akhirnya curhat :p

Tapi ada beberapa orang yang gaberani saya datengin.
Saya takut.
Tapi penasaran juga.
Nah kalo saya udah penasaran, kalo nggak buruan dikasih tau kenapa alesannya bikin saya penasaran, saya bakalan kepikiran teruuuus sampe kapanpun.
Walopun tar abis ini lupa, tapi beberapa detik kemudian pasti keinget lagi.
Seriusan deh.
Makanya jangan bikin saya penasaran (ini ngomong apa sebenernya).

Tapi ada yang udah kejawab sih,
walopun saya nggak bener-bener datengin dianya,
dan dianya juga ga datengin ke saya, ngasih tau kek gimana.
Tapi yang masih bikin saya bingung,
kenapa masih aja ngelakuin hal kayak gitu?
Kan saya udah tau jawabannya.
Walopun iya, belom tau alesannya kenapa.
Tapi ya udahlah, saya juga udah tau.
Nggak usah kasih isyarat abu-abu kayak gitu.
Just, stay. Stay away.
Far away from me.
Jangan bikin saya jadi benci sama kamu,
yang dari awal saya nggak ngerasa apa-apa juga.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012


About the song:
Having a moment where you're looking at that beautiful stranger you'd wish they're yours.

Stay a while,
I'm gazing the way you move, from far
Never look back since then
I won't have to wander the woods again

Stay a while,
I'm watching the story goes so far
Only a little while it seems
fits right in to my head but then

Lights go down, curtain falls
That's how this story ends
As the day passes by,
I knew that this gaze was long overdue

Stay a while, still gazing the way you move, from far
I'm waking it harder now I know,
shows coming to and end, it seems

Stay a while, I'm taking my final gaze you see
Gonna look back this time I will
wander the woods again my dear

Lights go down, curtain falls
That's how this story ends
As the day passes by,
I knew that this gaze was long overdue

Night will fall, you see the city glows again
You see the morning comes to soon
That's how the circle goes around

Here and there, always a story from somewhere
Always another line to say
No I won't stay along this line
of broken pieces lying somewhere

Stay a while,
I'm gazing the way you move, from far
Never look back since then
I won't have to wander the woods again

Stay a while,
I'm watching the story goes so far
Only a little while it seems
fits right in to my head but then

Lights go down, curtain falls
That's how this story ends
But as the day passes by,
I knew that this gaze was long overdue

But I'd do it all again.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

stop standing there

All this talking to you
I don't know what I'm to do
I don't know where you stand
What's inside of your head

All this thinkin' of you
Is that what you're doin' too?
You're always on my mind
I talk about you all of the time

Don't waste another day
Don't waste another minute
I can't wait to see your face
Just to show you how much I'm in it

So open up your heart
Help me understand
Please tell me who you are
So I can show you who I am

You're just standing by
You're just wasting time
Why don't you just tell me the truth
About me and you

And as the time goes by
I hope you realize
If you ask me to,
I just might be with you

So don't waste another day
Don't waste another minute
I can't wait to see your face
Just to show you how much I'm in it

Open up your heart
Help me understand
Please tell me who you are
So I can show you who I am

Stop standing there
Standing there
And stop acting like you don't care
And stop being scared, being scared
Stop acting like you don't care

So don't waste another day
Don't waste another minute
I can't wait to see your face
Just to show you how much I'm in it

Open up your heart
Help me understand
Please tell me who you are
So I can show you who I am

So don't waste another day
Don't waste another minute
I can't wait to see your face
Just to show you how much I'm in it

Open up your heart
Help me understand
Please tell me who you are
So I can show you who I am

Who I am

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012


Many nights we've prayed,
with no proof anyoune could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood

Now we are not afraid,
although we know there's much to fear.
We were moving mountains
long before we knew we could..

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail,
it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
you can achieve?
When you believe,
somehow you will..
You will when you believe.

In this time of fear,
when prayer so often proves in vain.
Hope seemed like the summer birds,
too swiftly flown away.

Yet now I'm standing here
My hearts so full, I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail,
it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
you can achieve?
When you believe,
somehow you will..
You will when you believe.

They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way clear through the rain
A small, but still, resilient voice
Says, 'help is very near...'

(Taken from a super magic-beautiful-song entitled 'When You Believe'
sung by Mariah Carey ft. Whitney Houston)

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

dua sisi

Nyadar nggak sih, hal-hal di sekitar kita itu seringkali memiliki dua sisi?
Ada hitam, ada putih.
Ada kiri, ada kanan.
Ada atas, ada bawah.
Ada depan, ada belakang.
Ada maju, ada mundur.
Ada berjalan, ada berhenti.
Ada buka, ada tutup.
Ada bicara, ada diam.
Dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.

Saya percaya,
setiap manusia di dunia ini memiliki dua sisi pada dirinya.
Nggak cuman yang zodiaknya Gemini doang *katanya*.

Sebagian orang memang tau kalo dirinya punya dua sisi tersebut,
sebagian mengelak.

Dua sisi itu...
Nggak selalu,
(kalo dimisalkan sifat atau karakter seseorang)
plin plan,
nggak konsisten,
dan semacamnya.

Kalo saya sendiri,
dua sisi dalam diri saya
lebih cenderung ke
interaksi antar tiap sisinya.

Jadi tiap sisi hati saya*uhuk*
itu saling berinteraksi.

Tiap kali saya mau ngelakuin sesuatu,
atau nentuin pilihan dulu,
sering banget, bahkan selalu
dua sisi ini

berbicara satu sama lain.

Mau saya latih, sebenernya.
Sederhananya, dua sisi ini
akan membantu saya gimana caranya
mengambil keputusan yang tepat,
untuk selanjutnya menyuruh  saya
melakukan sesuatu yang benar, dan
emang seharusnya itu yang dilakukan.

Somehow, it works.
To me :p

Mau banyak, mau sedikit,
mereka ngaruh kok buat bantu saya.
Kalo saya bilang, alhamdulillah.
Jadi saya nggak begitu ceroboh lagi kalo ngapa2in sekarang.
(yaa walopun masih, tapi kadang kok *sugesti baik*)

How 'bout ya?